Debt Freedom? Oy.


My husband has been on me for what seems like years….wait…it has been years…to help him get our finances in order. Let me tell you- I am having a hard time admitting that maybe this isn’t my strong point.

A few years back I had some surgery on my knee. This was before the kid, we were both working and making plenty of money. I was taking care of paying all the bills from our account. I asked my humble, loving husband to take them over for a few months. He was CHOMPING at the bit. Apparently, he had been DYING to get his hands on them and was never very satisfied with my Type B way of handling things.

Gotta love the truth.

Anywho. Fast forward about 4-5 years and here we are. He has never given them back to my very capable hands. So, I just make sure there is money and I shop. Which I am REALLY good at doing. And I don’t say that with any type of sarcasm. I find deals like it’s nobody’s business. Problem is, I probably find too many deals. But, it is my responsibility to be the primary shopper in my home. It is MY fault I have to spend the money.

Seriously though. We have a savings account. We have money going into the appropriate retirement funds and we are on a good track for that. (Side note: I work for a financial advisor part-time so let’s just hope I have been listening!) I always thing we are a typical, normal American family. With some debt. And some savings.

Let’s go on vacation??

The hubs says he wants to live without debt.

Wait a minute. WHAAAAAAA????

Here we go. Now I have to start paying attention.So, I have done the Dave Ramsey audio book. Now I have had the Kool-Aid and I am ready to be a “financially free” family.

This sucks.


Today I called and got our exact balances and added fun coloring charts to my trusty BuJo. (That’s my Bullet Journal. Have I shared that with you guys??) I haven’t even touched the car payments. Did you know that D.R. says that you shouldn’t have a car payment. Let alone 2?? Crap.

At the end of the day, I am grateful for my husband. I am glad he wants us to live this way. It isn’t how I learned. Today I am grateful. When you see me driving around in a car from 1980 that I paid cash for in the future, we shall see how grateful I have remained.

Skeptical. But it might be an interesting ride. Baby D has no idea what he is in for. Sorry, dude. No more random cars at the grocery store. I don’t even think you will be allowed in Walmart. And neither will I.

All my financial freedom,

Mama. So Imperfect.

PS. I, of course, appreciate comments about your freedom if you have done it! Share the pains as well. I am ready! Maybe. Go a little easy on me. Was it ramen every night??


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